kubernetes 명령어 모음


현재 네임스페이스의 pods 리스트  kubectl get pods
모든 네임스페이드 대상 pods 리스트 kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
현재 네임스페이스와 상세 정보 kubectl get pods -o wide
kube-system 네임스페이스 pods kubectl get -n kube-system pods -a
my-pod 대상 yaml 출력 kubectl get pod my-pod -o yaml
pod 상세 정보 kubectl describe pod/<pod name>

ex) kubectl describe pod/weave-net-2hn7s -n kube-system
List all pods with labels kubectl get pods --show-labels
List running pods kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase=Running --all-namespaces
Watch pods kubectl get pods -n <namespace> --watch
List pods and containers kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o='custom-columns=PODS:.metadata.name,CONTAINERS:.spec.containers[*].name'
List pods, containers and images kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o='custom-columns=PODS:.metadata.name,CONTAINERS:.spec.containers[*].name,Images:.spec.containers[*].image'
Scale out Deployment kubectl scale --replicas=3 ds <name>
특정 namespace pods상세 보기
kubectl describe pods -n audacity


Resources Deletion

Delete pod kubectl delete pod/<pod-name> -n <my-namespace>
yaml 파일로 만들어진 pod, deployment, service 등 삭제 kubectl delete -f <nameofyaml>.yaml
yaml 파일로 만들어진 pod, deployment, service 등 생성 kubectl apply -f <nameofyam>.yaml
Delete pod by force kubectl delete pod/<pod-name> --grace-period=0 --force
Delete pods by labels kubectl delete pod -l <key>=<label>
Delete deployments by labels kubectl delete deployment -l <key>=<label>
Delete all resources filtered by labels kubectl delete pods,services -l <key>=<label>
Delete resources under a namespace kubectl -n <namespace> delete po,svc --all
eks cluster 삭제 eksctl delete cluster --name <<클러스터 명>>

예) eksctl delete cluster --name eksctl-demo


List all services kubectl get services --all-namespaces
List service endpoints kubectl get endpoints --all-namespaces
Get service detail in YAML kubectl get service <servicename> -n <namespace> -o yaml
Get service cluster ip kubectl get service <servicename> -n <namespace> -o go-template='{{.spec.clusterIP}}'
Get service cluster port kubectl get service <servicename> -n <namespace> -o go-template='{{(index .spec.ports 0).port}}
특정 deployment를 clusterip로 expose하기 kubectl expose deployment <<deployment name>> -n <<namespace>>

kubectl expose deployment canary-v1 -n udacity
특정 service를 yaml로 확인하기 kubectl get service <<service name>> -n <<namespace>> -o yaml

kubectl get service canary-v1 -n udacity -o yaml

Events & Metrics

View all events kubectl get events --all-namespaces
List Events sorted by timestamp kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp

Namespace & Security

List authenticated contexts kubectl config get-contexts
Load context from config file kubectl get cs --kubeconfig <kubeconfig file>.yml
기본 config 파일 수정 export KUBECONFIG="<<config 파일 위치>>"

export KUBECONFIG="C:\\Users\\home\\.kube\config"
kubectl config view
Switch context kubectl config use-context <cluster-name>
Delete the specified context kubectl config delete-context <cluster-name>
List all namespaces defined kubectl get namespaces
namespace 생성 kubectl create namespace <<namespace_name>>

예)kubectl create namespace monitoring
기본 namespace 변경하기 kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<<namespace>>

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=udacity
List certificates kubectl get csr --all-namespaces
aws IAM User 변경 kubectl edit configmap aws-auth -n kube-system
cofigmap 조회 kubectl get configmap -n udacity
configmap 상세 조회 kubectl describe configmap/canary-config-v1 -n udacity

Intermediate Commands

Run curl test temporarily kubectl run --rm mytest --image=yauritux/busybox-curl -it
Run wget test temporarily kubectl run --rm mytest --image=busybox -it
Run nginx deployment with 2 replicas kubectl run my-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80
Set namespace preference kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=<ns1>
List everything kubectl get all --all-namespaces
Get all services kubectl get service --all-namespaces
Show nodes with labels kubectl get nodes --show-labels
Validate YAML file with dry run kubectl create --dry-run --validate -f <YAML File>
kubectl run shell command kubectl exec -it <podname> -- ls -l /etc/hosts
Get system conf via configmap kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml
Get deployment YAML kubectl -n <namespace> get deployment <deploymentname> -o yaml
Explain resource kubectl explain <resource>
Open a bash terminal in a pod kubectl exec -it <pod> -n <namespace> sh

kubectl exec --stdin --tty hello-8445fd55cb-s9bps -- /bin/sh
Check pod environment variables kubectl exec <pod> -n <namespace> env
Get pods sorted by restart count kubectl get pods --sort-by='.status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount' --all-namespaces
List all container images kubectl get pods –all-namespaces -o jsonpath=“{..image}” | tr -s ‘[[:space:]]’ ‘\n’ | sort | uniq -d


Registry Commands

업로드할 registry image tag docker image tag <image name>:<image version> <registry url>:<registry port>/<name>/<image name>:<image version>

ex)docker image tag image-name:10.1.1 mysite.registry.com:4000/myname/image-name:10.1.1
registry에 image push docker image push mysite.registry.com:4000/myname/image-name:10.1.1

diable https registry //docker
  "insecure-registries" : ["myregistrydomain.com:5000"]

//podman v2
location = "myregistrydomain.com:5000"
insecure = true

snap : /var/snap/docker/current/config/deamon.json
podman: /etc/containers/registries.conf
default: /etc/docker/deamon.json
download the custom registry image docker pull myregistrydomain.com:5000/myname/image-name:10.1.1
podman pull myregistrydomain.com:5000/myname/image-name:10.1.1



Logs Commands

특정 pod logs 확인
kubectl logs pod/ops-view-655b7b5cc8-6kh7l -n udacity


user management Commands

특정 namespace serviceaccount 가져오기
kubectl get serviceaccount -n udacity
service account 상세 보기
kubectl describe serviceaccount kube-ops-view -n udacity
service account 만들기 kubectl describe serviceaccount <<account name>> -n <<namespace>>

kubectl describe serviceaccount ops-view -n udacity
clusterrolebinding 만들기
(role과 service account 연결)
kubectl create clusterrolebinding <<binding name>> --clusterrole=<<target role>> --serviceaccount <<target service account>> -n <<name space>

kubectl create clusterrolebinding ops-view-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount udacity:ops-view -n udacity
clusterrolebinding 상세 보기 kubectl describe clusterrolebinding <<binding name>>

kubectl describe clusterrolebinding ops-view-binding
role binding된 service account를 특정 pod에 붙이기 위해서는 yml spec이하에 serviceAccountName을 기입하고 재 apply 해야함
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: ops-view
namespace: udacity
replicas: 1
app: ops-view
app: ops-view
serviceAccountName: ops-view
- name: ops-view
image: hjacobs/kube-ops-view
- containerPort: 8080
restartPolicy: Always



특정 namespace deployment 가져오기
kubectl describe deployment/nginx-basic -n udacity
특정 deployment pods 삭제하기
kubectl delete deployment/nginx-basic -n udacity
특정 deployment의 docker version update하기 kubectl set image deployment <<deployment name>> <<container name>>=<<image:version>> --record -n <<namespace>>

kubectl set image deployment nginx-rolling nginx=nginx:1.21.1 --record -n udacity
rollout 상태 확인하기 kubectl rollout status deployment/<<name>> -n <<namespace>>

kubectl rollout status deployment/nginx-rolling -n udacity
rollout 일시정지 시키기 kubectl rollout pause deployment/<<name>> -n <<namespace>>

kubectl rollout pause deployment/nginx-rolling -n udacity
rollout 재실행 kubectl rollout resume deployment/nginx-rolling -n udacity
rollout 취소 kubectl rollout undo deployment/nginx-rolling -n udacity
rollout 기록 보기 kubectl rollout history deployment/nginx-rolling -n udacity





Secrets list 갖어오기
kubectl get secrets -A
Secrets 삭제하기 kubectl delete secrets <<name>> -n <<name space>>

예)kubectl delete secrets additional-scrape-configs -n monitoring
secret 추가하기 kubectl create secret generic <<name>> --from-file=<<file명>> --namespace <<name space>>
예) kubectl create secret generic additional-scrape-configs --from-file=prometheus-additional.yaml --namespace monitoring


Helm 명령어

helm의 모든 리스트
helm list -A
helm package 삭제 helm uninstall prometheus-blackbox-exporter -n monitoring
helm package install helm install <<name>> <<package-name>> -f "<<config file>>" --namespace <<name space>>

예) helm install prometheus-blackbox-exporter prometheus-community/prometheus-blackbox-exporter -f "blackbox_values.yaml" --namespace monitoring


eks 명령어

aws에 eks cluster 정보를 local kubernetes에 업데이트 한다 aws eks update-kubeconfig --region <<region명>> --name <<cluster명>>

예)aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-2 --name udacity-cluster

